PRK and LASIK Today Worldwide Directory - Clinic / Refractive Surgeon Dr. Anthony D. Sakowski Jr - Virginia Eye Institute - Richmond, Virginia |
Anthony D. Sakowski, Jr, MD, FACS Member of SEE, ASCRS, ISRS, AAO. |
Treatment Procedures: Dr. Sakowski will perform LASIK, PRK, INTACS, LTK, and Cataract Surgery. Virginia Eye Institute offers LADARVision, the first FDA approved excimer laser with tracker-guidance and small-spot laser vision correction, and the LTK Sunrise Laser is also available for treatment of hyperopia. |
Myopia: |
Hyperopia: +1.00 to +5.00 diopters |
Astigmatism: 0.50 to 6.00 diopters |
Virginia Eye Institute 400 Westhampton Station Richmond, VA 23226 Phone: (804) 287-4231 | Web Site: |
This practitioner has provided evidence that he is licensed to practice medicine, ophthalmology and refractive surgery in his area. It is your responsibility to review the professional qualifications of this practitioner and to determine that he is qualified and licensed to perform the treatment procedures intended. We make no warrantees in this regard. Created October 18, 2002. |